We have a proud history in driving sustainable outcomes within the ports supply chain
NSW Ports delivers, supports and actively promotes efficient operations and sustainable modes of freight transport to meet current and future demand. Our commitment to sustainability is reflected within the programs that address our core areas of our business, our environment, our community and our people.
Sustainable shipping
Shipping is by far the most efficient and environmentally sound way to transport goods around the world. Around 80% of world trade is done through shipping, accounting for only 2% of the world's carbon emissions. As an island nation, Australia conducts 98% of its trade through ports. Improving the sustainability of port infrastructure is another way in which we are working to increase efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of our operations.

NSW Ports Environmental Shipping Incentive
NSW Ports is the first Australian port to implement an environmental incentive program that rewards ships with higher standards of environmental emissions performance (SOx, NOx, CO2). Introduced in 2019, we are taking the lead in Australia by encouraging more environmentally friendly ships to visit Port Botany and Port Kembla, which reduces emissions and improves local air quality.

Brotherson Dock wharf project
NSW Ports is repairing concrete damage and protecting wharf structures at Brotherson Dock with the innovative use of a hybrid cathodic protection (CP) system, which will protect the area of the wharf face above the water line that require a one-off energisation phase (compared to the traditional CP system which requires a continuous power supply). This will save energy over the lifespan of the asset which is 50 years.

Bulk Liquids Berth (BLB) gangway
In 2018 we replaced the old gangway tower at Port Botany's Bulk Liquid Berth 1 (BLB1) with a new, custom manufactured gangway tower. This ensured safe access to both large and small ships and improved berth efficiency by reducing berth occupancy time by over 30 minutes for each ship calling at BLB1. It also allowed for the handling of larger ships in line with our 40 Year Master Plan.
Growth in Rail
Growing rail capacity sustainably
Increasing the use of rail will lead to greater efficiencies across the supply chain and reduce the number of trucks on the road.
NSW Ports is working with logistics operators to increase transportation of containers by rail – resulting in operational efficiencies, reduced road congestion and lower emissions.
Moving cement by rail
Port Kembla has increasingly become a crucial gateway for supply of imported cement to support the New South Wales W construction boom. In 2018, Cement Australia commenced transportation of cement clinker by rail from its Port Kembla mill to a facility in the Sydney suburb of Clyde. As a result, the volume of cement transported by rail has averaged approximately 350 rail wagons per month since 2018, saving about 4,200 truck movements on the roads of the Illawarra and Southern Sydney in 2018.
Investment to boost rail capacity at Port Botany
Port Botany is the only container port in Australia with on-dock rail at all of its container terminals. We are investing in increasing the on-dock rail infrastructure capacity to reach 3 million TEU.
Resource Efficiency
We are proud of our achievements in working towards a more sustainable transport and logistics industry, particularly in the area of resource efficiency.
NSW Ports Greenhouse gas emission profile
We have reduced greenhouse gas emissions from our consumption of fuel and electricity by 20% since FY15. This has been achieved through a range of initiatives including rationalisation of office space and vehicle fleet, energy efficiency improvements, on-site solar electricity generation and monitoring energy usage.
NSW Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Sustainable warehouses at Enfield
NSW Ports has partnered with industrial developer Goodman to develop 12 warehouse buildings across six precincts at the Enfield ILC. Each warehouse will incorporate sustainable development features including rainwater collection tanks, water and energy efficiency measures.

Solar energy and electricity consumption monitoring
In 2017 we installed solar systems on our office buildings at Port Botany and Port Kembla and began tracking energy using an energy monitoring and metering service. We achieved a 21% reduction in electricity consumption at our Port Botany and Port Kembla office buildings compared to our FY15 baseline.