La Perouse Public School celebrates the opening of their new playground | NSW Ports
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La Perouse Public School celebrates the opening of their new playground


On Tuesday (28 November 2017), the students at La Perouse Public school celebrated the launch of their new playground.

Back in April, the school’s Principal, Matthew Jackman started a Go Fund Me page to raise money for a new playground. Channel 9’s Today Show picked up and ran with the story and attracted funds from the public and businesses such as Visa Global Logistics, the Pratt Foundation as well as Channel 9. NSW Ports, which is located close to La Perouse public, at Port Botany, contributed the final amount.

At the launch, Ms Marika Calfas, CEO of NSW Ports, said, “One of our people who watched the program immediately brought it to my attention. We particularly wanted to help La Perouse Public School as it’s a small school in our local community. In the end we pitched in with $25,000, which was the amount required to get it over the line.”

“It’s so lovely to see the all the kids enjoying themselves”, she said.