NSW Ports is pleased to support the proposed City Deal for the Illawarra Shoalhaven and its goals to enhance trade links between regional NSW and Greater and Western Sydney with Port Kembla.
As NSW’s port of growth, Port Kembla is an asset of national significance, critical to the future economic growth and development of NSW.
Importantly, the City Deal Prospectus includes funding for two significant road and rail infrastructure projects that will benefit the Illawarra-Shoalhaven as well as Western Sydney through providing enhanced, direct connections to Port Kembla. These include:
- $450 million for the Mount Ousley Interchange and Widening projects, combined with an upgrade of Picton Road to motorway standard, which will improve the safety, efficiency and productivity of the corridor and will improve access to and from Port Kembla for heavy vehicles.
- $30 million to develop the business case for the South West Illawarra Rail Link (SWIRL); a joint passenger and freight line between the Illawarra and Greater Sydney regions. SWIRL aims to deliver a more direct rail freight route between Port Kembla and Western Sydney and will reduce reliance on the congested Illawarra Line.
These projects will support Port Kembla as the port of growth and will help facilitate its development as the next container terminal for NSW, once Port Botany nears capacity.
The Illawarra Shoalhaven City Deal Prospectus was launched by RDA Illawarra and the Illawarra Shoalhaven Joint Organisation and spans four local government areas – Wollongong, Shellharbour, Kiama & Shoalhaven. For more information, or to read the prospectus: https://illawarrashoalhavencitydeal.org.au/