Port Kembla reaches 6 month milestone for record export grain season | NSW Ports
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Port Kembla reaches 6 month milestone for record export grain season

Port Kembla

We are now six months into what is firming up to be a record season of grain exports after prolonged drought in NSW.
NSW Ports is proud to manage Port Kembla, the southern gateway for NSW’s bulk grain exports. The port is uniquely positioned with two grain facilities, located directly on rail and the capability to handle, store and load a variety of grains. GrainCorp operates the Port Kembla Grain Terminal which is the largest export grain terminal on the east coast of Australia, while Qube-owned Quattro Ports also operates a bulk grain handling facility in the Inner Harbour of Port Kembla. 

Grain trains are arriving regularly from regional NSW, laden with wheat, barley and Canola. Each train carries around 2,500 tonnes of grain, which is released from the wagon into the grain pit before being transported by conveyor to the terminal to be sorted, graded and stored ready for export by vessel to international markets. 

Watch this video showcasing the journey by rail from paddock to port, or find out more about exporting through NSW Ports here.